rLandsat R Package – First contribution to CRAN
It wasn’t long before the team at SocialCops wanted to explore the possibilities with free to use satellite data. As we got deep into this we realized the lack of…
Indian Premier League Analysis
Analysis can tell us what is required, but it cannot make us act.Mary Frances Berry
TFI Restaurant Revenue Prediction: Kaggle
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.George Santayana
TalkingData Mobile User Demographics: Kaggle
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.George Santayana
Bike Sharing Demand: Kaggle
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.George Santayana
Friendship Network Analysis IIT Jodhpur
The “trick” is to develop formal mathematical definitions that have known graph theoretic properties, and also capture important intuitive and theoretical aspects of cohesive subgroups.Katherine Faust